Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ten reasons why you cannot be my ANGEL !

  1. you don't know where the hell i stay. (my house)
  2. you don't know when is my birthday.
  3. you don't know what is my phone number by heart.
  4. you don't know what is my favorite food and drink
  5. you don't know what is my favorite color.
  6. you don't care about my feelings.
  7. you don't know what is my favorite spot.
  8. you like to act that you know everything where as you don't even know anything
  9. you like to talk to much, but actually haven't grew up.
  10. you think what you do is wright but actually it is wrong.
if you want to be my girlfriend better know all of this first before you come and find me.
if you got all that i mentioned above you better dun even think taking it to the next level..
but for now i dun need a girl.. until my new year's resolution

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