Sunday, July 19, 2009

This is our final exam for our production 1 class. After this we don't have to find customer and cook for then anymore until the next semester.. Ya Hoo!!! we start our day 8 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon till the kitchen is fully cleaned..

Morning-morning of my exam there is already some problem, i went to collect stuff and the purchaser said the mushroom i ordered infected with virus. I thought things would not get worse, god heard my prayer, the things he supply me was not enough and i have to walk to see him few times to get the correct quantity.

Anyway, i just live on and start to do work, the rest of my mates already started work and i was the latest to stark work, almost 9, making sure everything is in correct quantity and work is going well. God Heard my prayer again, everything went well and we finally came out with a fantastic set lunch.

Chef Yogen incharge of preparing the soup.
Comment: soup was a bit salty the rest was okay. The texture was not thick enough.
Overall it's okay.

Chef Jeffrey was incharge of the dessert section with Chef Gareth.
Comment:the cheese cake was a bit hard in texture, pastry cream should be a bit thicker.
overall perfect.
Chef Gareth Chong!! our Pastry chef!! yeah yeah!! showing off his muscle!!

Chef Muz & Chef Akthira prepared our appetizer
Comment: the egg mayo shoud use less tomato sause and should add canned fruits
overall is okay.

Chef Muz also know as Doremon's sister.

Chef Thong. He is our runner for the Food Production exam. overall helped in preparing the main course and dessert. This two item got the best award form our lecturer among the rest of the team. Congrates!!

Chef Hoong with me prepared the main course.
Comment: the garden salad should have a bit dressing and the mushroom sauce not enough.
overall is exellent.

Chef Mozi is the Man of the show, He reperesent our team cause he's the Chef De partie of the day!! He is also our manager of the dayy.....
His work was to take out the plate for the set lunch and coordinate the work among us
Sad to say that we had to share kitchen with other chef also. On our final exam, we had other function and it made us difficult for us to move around and store item during mis sien place. however we successfully made it and we were drag to help the other function also. Yeah people!!
we manage to finish out product and some more assist with the other function.
the one watching the chef cook wearing black is our Head of the Department.
haha!! handsome man right he ?

There are all our chef in the kitchen chatting. i mangae to catch this photo.. wonderful moment!!
Mihibah KDU college..!!

Drink: orange mocktail

Appetizer: Prawn Cocktail

Soup of the day: Cream Of borccoli served with mushroom soup.
Main Course: Chicken Rulade with white mushroom sauce.

Dessert: Oreo cheesecake and Charming swan!!

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