Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some Stupid ---------- People !!

Let me tell you a story about stupid people. They're stupid in the sense where they misuse their power given to them. They think they are sending a clear message to the public people but end up they are only making themselves look Stupid and uneducated. This story is a about 3 particular persons that make themselves look like a fool. Okay, the story was that I had afternoon class, Always I can't find a parking spot. and the only available parking spot is the yellow line. you can ask why I didn't park in college. Cause my college only have limited parking space. That's the disadvantages of building a college in a city. 

Back to my story, I had checked around and there was no parking. Because of no other better choices, I had to park in a particular building's compound. I don't want to be late for class. I parked there and left. After my class, that is not even 5, My friends and I walked to the car and found out it was chained. There was a notice for me to see the management of the building. I obeyed the request and went up to the office. There was a guy that looks like the boss and a lady. I went up to the lady and asked her about my my car and she told me to wait for the other guy. After waiting for 10 minutes the guy showed up. Me, Sui Thong and Gareth went to see him. 

I asked him (in malay) " Tuan, kereta saya dah kena kunci, boleh tolong buka kah tuan?"
He answered" You orang semua berpelajaran kan lagi park kat sini? and bla bla bla. With his stupid face..  
He was very rude to us and i started answering him back. I was so angry at that time. 
Luckily Sui thong stopped me, by asking him how to settle the problem. 
then he told us to see his boss. He says if the boss agree to unchain the car then he will do it. 
* he should have just sent us to his boss instead of wasting our time talking to us*
We went to see the boss, and we settled the problem..

I thought it was over, but then the worst part just begin. They made us waited for 1 hour before they unchained my car. Stupid right? you call this efficient? It took them 1 hour before they could unchain the car.. Is it so hard? how do you expect them to serve the public like that? piece of shits man they all. We Freeking waited for that 1 hour where i think we can use the time to do more useful stuff.. And i had plans that night.. I had to rush it because of you all. 

Thinking back on what happened. 
1) i don't think it's wrong if i parked there, cause i really had no other choices and if I had, I would already taken it.
2) I didn't leave the car and went to eat or enjoy or shopping? I just went to get educated. You stupid people can't even give a student chance to use your premises for good cause. How you going to set good example to the public? I think you all are the one who should get education. If I was going to enjoy or do other stuff then I am absolutely wrong. but I went to study and you can't even lend me your car park for few hours? And you say you serves the public? 
3) Make us waited for 1 hours was ridiculous! This shows that you all are really inefficient! And you are talking to me about your duty and responsibility? A simple job took you all 1 hour to do it. Either you all are really ineffective or you all were taking advantage on a group of college students. Anyway, both reasons also make you all look like a stupid fool! It shows that you adults are misusing your authority on students and bullying us. it looks bad on you. Shame on you!  

this is what happens when we wait for 1 hour. 

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