Friday, June 20, 2008

20 june 2008

this morning went to college for Maths class,
Thought i was late but actually am early.

then decided to study today..
however the lesson was rather blur.. tried my best to understand..
class today finish early, went to the library to return book, FINED 7 bux

then, meet up with some friends to have breakfast at the cafeteria.
(forsed to eat although was expensive, CAUSE I WAS hungry..)

then later went for my Bio class at 11.00 am. .
test result had came out..

during the break, while i was walking around the campus, something happened, my friends car cannot be taken out from the parking lot cause he/she parked too near to the wall.
I seriously don't know how it manage to went in the parking in the first place.

wow, i got 12 out of 20.. not bad (usually i will got below half mark).. hehe...
class today was rather nice and interesting today..
never feel sleepy thou,

after the class meet up with some friends and later we had lunch at the cafeteria..
As usual, the food there is so expensive and i cook better than them..
(i never had kunch there today, cause lunch is served in the house)

spent some time talking to my friends and then i decided to go back and the rest decided to go to library. we split from here and at 2.10 like that i reach house.

Then as usual DL some song but the connectiong today sux man !!!
how ever manage to DL most of the songs and after having lunch i went to sleep at about 4.30 like that. and at 7 20, i woke up and write this post..

this post ends at 7.45 pm....

the end.
bloogie (vivi)

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